“We are able to impact the meat processing industry more because of support from our generous donors.”

Luis Garcia



Get Involved

Making Ends Meat

Secure funding is essential for any organization to succeed. CMIT has a two-pronged plan to ensure the organization’s long-term viability.
1: First CMIT will fundraise toward initial start-up costs and early operations. We will ask Founding Contributors to make donations in the following categories:
Founding Contributors will receive a special plaque for their contributions and be featured prominently on a Founder’s Recognition display in CMIT offices. They will also benefit from special pricing when they work with CMIT.
2: Secondly CMIT will promote the organization and build our revenue streams through fees for services, company-specific projects, product and packaging development and other sources. Initial projects are already underway.
We’d love to hear your suggestions on how we can fund and build this vital new organization.
We’d also love to have your help.

Other Ways to Get Involved

If CMIT sounds like an organization that can help you meet your goals, or if you have expertise in a related area, consider connecting with us. CMIT provides a great opportunity to share with like-minded proponents of the Canadian meat processing industry.
There are a lot of ways processors can take advantage of CMIT resources. We can provide a range of opportunities to use the Centre’s services:

New product development
New packaging testing/development
Test equipment specific to your plant
New process development
Custom small batch processing
Customized Training
Another specific project you need help with? Talk to us!

Contact Luis Garcia at the CMIT office with your suggestions on how we can work together: franco@meatpoultryon.ca

How can members who supply to processors get involved

  • Provide equipment or software to demonstrate to processors
  • Offer some time as an advisor on an area of expertise

If you are a Consultant or expert looking for paid contribution opportunities

  • Offer your services through CMIT
  • Offer consulting through CMIT
  • Offer instructor training through CMIT
  • Other ideas? We are here to help!

Contact Franco Naccarato at the CMIT office with your suggestions: franco@meatpoultryon.ca

Contact Form

Geared toward anyone working in the food industry, from butchers to microbrewers, who wants a foundation in food processing, while the Everyday Meat Cutting course will interest people like home cooks and foodies who have a keen interest in what’s in- volved in preparing their own cuts.

130 Malcolm Road, Guelph, On N1K 1B1

P 519-763-4558  TF 800-263-3797
E franco@meatpoultryon.ca

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