The Centre for Meat Innovation and Technology (CMIT) is driven to advance and strengthen the Canadian meat processing industry.

What Industry experts are saying about CMIT

Young people need to see meat processing as a viable career and the best way to do that is through education. During the pandemic we relied too much on a few companies to support our internal food system and we had issues. To protect the food system in the future, we need to be able to rely on more companies so we need to help them with skills and technology. That’s what CMIT will do.

Kevin Stemmler - Owner of Stemmler Meats

The Centre for Meat Innovation and Technology is an example of how our agri-food advocacy groups are highlighting the valuable career opportunities available in Ontario’s agri-food sector. I would like to express my appreciation to the organizations who have donated the new equipment for this facility, and to Meat and Poultry Ontario for making this Centre a welcomed reality.

Lisa Thompson - Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

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Our Supporters

Thank you to the following supporters who have gotten involved!  It is supporters like you who have helped to make CMIT a reality!